Judy Marcus

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Ground of Being

In all things in life, there is a foreground and a background. Often what is happening in front of us is so prominent that it captures our attention and eclipses the backdrop that allows it to happen. While I create the words and pictures that become what you see, read, feel, and understand to be this weekly blog — behind the scene Nasha is the technical wizard who breathes life to it so it gets posted. This weekend she and Carlos are getting married. This is a toast to them — a moment to bring the beautiful background to the fore.

Congratulations on your wedding Nash and Carlos — on bringing ceremonial focus to the exquisite oneness that happens when two complete halves come together to form one whole.

Do you not see

That you and I

Are as the branches of one tree!

It could not be otherwise

With your rejoicing

Comes my laughter

With your sadness

Start my tears


Could life be otherwise

With you and me?

— Tsu Yeh, Tsin Dynasty AD 5-316

And as in all truth, it applies to all of us.

Could life be otherwise?