Judy Marcus

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The Movies

Usually I go to movies in the company of others. I enjoy the energy soup of an audience – hearing the collective gasps, chuckles, and sighs as part of surround sound. I choose companions like you who enjoy discussing the film experience afterwards. Part of the fun is sharing and comparing our opinions and the unique effect the story has on us. Since the corona virus changed our lives we’re now watching movies at home in isolation. I still have my popcorn, opinions, and feelings – but it’s not the same. I miss you.

Selecting a movie is like choosing a dream to be immersed in. If we aren't pleased, we rouse ourselves from a fantasy going bad, and abandon the show. But when we’re fully engrossed, every nuance of the film is captivating.

Movies are designed to make us feel. Think of the money, time and talent dedicated to evoking response. In case the book, the acting, and the camera work aren’t engaging there are sound effects and swells of music to sweep us into reaction.

I watch movies to become immersed in the story – to identify with the plight of the characters, to laugh and cry and celebrate with them, and to dance in my seat when there's a pulsing beat to the music. Good films are so compelling we forget we are watching actors playing roles.

When I’m fully engaged, I'm not ready to let go of the experience quickly. I want time to notice if it illuminated aspects of my own life. I like to savor the emotional impact, and appreciate the skills it took to create a compelling spectacle, classic, thriller, comedy, mystery, romance, documentary, Western, or animated film. I'm curious about the motivation, meaning and symbolism of everything: the characters, location, action, photography, dialogue, and sound.

For now, I’m watching movies alone. I miss the afterglow of your good company so if you watch something terrific, please let me know. We can share the movie experience – even if we don’t share the popcorn.

You can find films to fit your varied taste simply by doing a search for “free movie streaming sites.” Kanopy delivers artsy or classic movies. Popcornflix offers mainstream movies. Vimeo competes with Youtube. Vudu distributes full-length movies, and there are many more sites to explore.

Let’s go to the movies separately and still enjoy them together!